Monday, February 21, 2011

Week Seven

We move quickly to the term's completion.

This week's short stories, as your assignment indicates, takes you into the area of Time Travel, one of the genre's central tropes.

You will find a Study Guide for Part Two of the examination, and I will discuss on the introduction to next week the first part of the examination.

No proctored exam!

The Assignment Folder for Week Five offers links with some excellent responses from the examination you can look over as you prepare for the Final Examination at the end of the term.

You have Essay Two due soon enough.

Look over the responses to Essay One to help you better organize the second effort.

At the conclusion of this posting, I list stories you need to know for Part One of the Final Examination.

You have three videos recorded last year this week instead of notes.

Video One discusses Screening Space:

Video Two discusses the four short stories assigned for reading:

Video Three offers a Quiz Review


  1. "We Can Remember it For You Wholesale"
  2. "Burning Chrome"
  3. "Computer Friendly"
  4. "When it Changed"
  5. "Abominable"
  6. "All You Zombies"
  7. "Air Raid"
  8. "Forever Yours, Anna"
  9. "Invaders"
  10. "There Will Come Soft Rains"
  11. "Cage of Sand"
  12. "Speech Sounds"

You will on the examination respond to five prompts, writing at least six or seven good sentences for each, a strong paragraph, in which you address significance over description and plot summary.