Monday, December 27, 2010

Science Fiction Literature and Film Introduction

Welcome to Science Fiction Literature and Film, an on-line class I taught for the first time in Spring of 2011. Let the fun and the serious work begin.

This blog contains weekly videos that cover course material and
quiz reviews, so look here frequently.

For now, give the class web page your attention, for I work now on this document, which will include in a few days the weekly assignments. 

I will work to show at least one film a week, though we will have to make special arrangements for Week Two, as I will attend Science Fiction conference in Orlando.

You can easily get a jump on the term by joining Netflix and watching the films listed
in the first week's assignments. You will also find on the class web page and on Blackboard (in Course Documents) some notes for your consideration about this week's reading and viewing. 

Again, you will probably find most all these films on line--just use your imagination.

I will when possible shows films on campus beginning at 5:00 on Tuesday. This week, I will show either It Came from Outer Space or The Thing From Another World, two excellent films. We might be able to see both films.

And you also have excellent short stories to read in The Wesleyan Anthology of Science Fiction. One discussion thread (see the assignment for a look at what you want to accomplish--I will also discuss the matter in the video that will appear soon enough.) will focus on the films and Screening Space and another will address the short stories.

As a general rule, stories and films will connect in various ways. Note, too, the additional text, The Science Fiction Reader, a wonderful collection of short material that will reinforce other critical text and add to your appreciation of the films.

Welcome to the class.
I offer a short video here, a new one, to say hello.  You will have another video by way on introduction from the first time I taught this class; in addition, you have a review video for the quiz.

This week, you have until Monday at midnight, March 20, to complete the discussion threads and quiz assignments. 
 Generally, you must finish on Sunday of each week.

See the assignment link on Blackboard for links to watch these films on line. 

Original Introduction to the Class: